Essay writing tips and advice from academic experts

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Writing an Excellent Essay About Happiness: The Best Strategy

School instructors often ask their students to write essays about happiness. It is an abstract concept. Usually, students compose definition papers. In such kind of writing, you should explain what happiness is for you and how other people may define it. The following strategy will help you complete your tricky assignment easily.

How to Compose a Great Descriptive Essay About Happiness

There are a few steps necessary to compose a great descriptive paper. They include:

  1. Study the dictionary definition. You cannot rely on a dictionary definition in your essay, but this step will help you understand an “official” definition and compare it with your own insight. This will be your starting point.
  2. Conduct some research on the word’s origins. You should get an etymology dictionary to learn some history behind “happiness” as a concept. Understanding of how it came to have the today’s meaning is rather helpful.
  3. Find out what the elements of an effective definition are. It is a good idea to learn how to define a word effectively. For example, you can analyze different parts of the word; classify it; compare happiness to joy, relief, or fortune; and use negation to explain your point of view clearly.
  4. Add some examples that illustrate what happiness is for you. You can add a fitting story to illustrate what happiness is. Your readers would appreciate your effort. However, you should try hard to make that story interesting yet brief and concise.
  5. Structure your ideas. To create an excellent paper, you should structure your ideas in a proper manner. An important thing to keep in mind is that different parts of the definition should go to separate paragraphs.

How to Finalize Your Writing About Happiness

After you have completed the aforementioned steps, you should write your rough draft and then finalize it. To save time, read your essay from the beginning to the end checking the ideas’ organization. You should cut unnecessary details, add transitions, and check the accuracy of the provided evidence. Then, reread the text paying special attention to the sentence structure.

It is recommended that you use spell and grammar checkers in your word processor to catch typos and minor mistakes. However, you may also use one of the free online checkers. The next step is to format your document according to your professor’s instructions. Be careful to add all necessary the citations. It is a good idea to use footnotes to provide more explanation.

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