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What is the Role of Poverty, Development, and Hunger in International Politics?

Politics is a world of power driven by powerful people. Many times those powerful people are from the upper class and have hidden agendas aimed at their personal goals. In underdeveloped countries with a strict caste system, people from the lower class most prone to hunger and poverty, are forbidden from running for political positions. It is estimated that over a billion people suffer from lack of food. If enough food is produced in a nation to feed that nation, which is quite often the case, then politics has to play a role in awareness and distribution of food.

If people are moving about in their own little world they may not be aware of hunger situations that might exist in their very own neighborhood. A politician, who has a platform, needs to be the voice for the hungry. So making sure everyone is fed, and that they are fed with the correct nutritional foods, is a politician’s job at the national and international levels.

Food is an essential necessity of everyone’s life. Food is not a luxury. However, food may be plentiful and even go to waste in one area, but be scare in another region. A politician has the means to make the distribution happen. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) notes that of the over a billion who are hungry, 852 are from under developing countries. If food is scare within all regions of that country, then the plea must go out internationally for food. A politician’s voice needs to be used to ensure the basic freedoms and rights of people. Everyone has the right to go to bed with a full stomach. If 42% of children in India suffer malnutrition, then the job is not being done. Organizations like WHO (World Health Organization) and CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest) need the politicians behind them to assist with food allocation and distribution.

International and national politicians can help end world hunger. The condition should not exist in today’s society. A politician is elected to represent the people, and if there are a billion hungry people, then someone is not doing his or her job. The food exists and the politicians have the voice and distribution means to help end world hunger. Stop the hunger now before the next World Hunger Day in October.

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