Essay writing tips and advice from academic experts

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Composing A Short Descriptive Essay In 30 Minutes: Tips & Tricks

Imagine that you have just half an hour left to write a qualitative descriptive essay at the school exam. Are you really nervous when you face this awkward situation in your academic life? Well, there are some tricks to play and you will be a winner by composing précised content within the span of 30 minutes.

Choose the Easy Topic to Write the Descriptive Essay

Your examiners give you bunch of topics to choose and write a single descriptive write-up. Though you are intelligent with confidence to do the content illustration, still grope for the simple topic to create the descriptive content within 30 minutes. You won’t have to do complicated data analysis and study to write the descriptive content.

Use Simple Language

Many students in literature try to convince superiors by using sophisticated writing style. Well, they have to do the hard practice to write such a classic content. When time runs out of your hand, you can’t ruminate to pull information and then construct a good descriptive write-up within short time. Therefore, bring simplicity in your content writing. The style must be easy with smoothness to entice superiors to go through the content enthusiastically.

Write Short Sentences

Describe every thing in short sentences. The content elaboration with hackneyed Latin jargons must be avoided by students. Instead of writing long sentences, split every sentence using proper punctuation marks. As per new rule to write the content in MLA,, a writer needs to choose parenthesis to structure the sentences in the content.

Content Brevity

Content of the descriptive write-up must have limited words. You should do content trimming by removing irrelevant terms to make it concise. In this connection, review some good samples to see how short descriptive content has been composed by the writers.

Write Three Major Parts of Descriptive Write-up

The short descriptive essay must have three arms to become firm. Therefore, include introduction, body of the content and conclusion in your content. Nicely decorate the introduction and conclusion cutting the size of the content. Thesis statement should be brief and it should be made visible in the conclusion.

Finally, when you have approximately 5 minutes at hand, prefer the overall content checking and revision. Editing work must take place so that the content you write should be appreciated by teachers. Cunning students don’t spend time behind content illustration inserting obsolete terms. The descriptive content must have aesthete, clarity and lucidity with excellent description.

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